Update on PNAHK ASM 2017

In our last update on 5-Oct-2017, we have informed our members that our overseas speaker, Dr. Alexander Rotenberg, has cancelled his trip to Hong Kong because of health problem.
After further communications with Dr. Rotenberg, he has kindly offered to deliver his lectures remotely. With the help of our Vice President, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, remote presentations by Dr. Rotenberg have been arranged in L'hotel Island South during our ASM.
I would take this opportunity to thank Dr. Rotenberg again for his kind offer and wish him a speedy recovery.
Please note again that our ASM will be held as schedule on 7-Oct-2017 in VIP Room III on Podium 6, L'hotel Island South, Aberdeen, HONG KONG from 1:30 pm till 5:40 pm. For updated program, please refer to our official website. Registration fee will be waived.
All PNAHK members are welcome!