Full Member
Any medical practitioner who is fully registered under the Medical Registration Ordinance who is a fellow of Hong Kong College of Paediatricians or equivalent and has had training in paediatric neurology and is actively involved in paediatric neurology shall be eligible for application to be admitted as a Full Member of the Association upon the written recommendation of two Full Members of the Association as proposer and seconder. All applications for Full Membership are subject to approval by the Council. A Full Member shall enjoy all the privileges of Full Memberships including voting right and are eligible for holding office in the Council.
Associate Member
Any person who is interested in the field of paediatric neurology but is not qualified as Full Membership above shall be eligible for application to be admitted as an Associate Member of the Association upon the written recommendation of two Full Members of the Association as proposer and seconder. All applications are subject to approval by the Council. Associate Members shall have no voting rights and shall not be eligible for election to office. Associate Members shall enjoy all the other privileges of the Full Members.
Honorary Member
BY INVITATION ONLY. The Council may invite any person to become Honorary Member of the Association, who is, in the opinion of the Council, distinguished in the field of paediatric neurology or has made great contributions to the Association. Honorary Members shall enjoy all the privileges of Full Members except that they neither have voting right nor be eligible for any office of the Association.