PNAHK ASM (2017) [Deadline Extended]
Deadline of Early Bird Registration extended to 20-Sep-2017
All PNAHK members are cordially invited to join our upcoming Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) on 7-OCT-2017 (Sat) in L'hotel Island South.
Our theme of this ASM is "Neuromodulation and Epilepsy".

We are deeply honoured to have Dr. Alexander Rotenberg (Director of Boston Children's Hospital Neuromodulation Program from USA) as our overseas guest speaker.
Our local guest speaker, Dr. Howan Leung (Chief of Epilepsy and Electrodiagnostic, Prince of Wales Hospital), will also share his local experience in neuromodulation.
Online registration is now available in our official website at
For more details, you can also directly access to our PNAHK ASM 2017 webpage by clicking this link or using the QR code below.

Registration fee will be waived for PNAHK members who register online on or before 20-SEP-2017 (Early Bird Registration). Please be reminded that registration fee will also be applied to PNAHK members after the deadline of early bird registration.
So please act fast and register as soon as possible!