It is with profound sorrow and a heavy heart that we share the devastating news of the passing of the esteemed Dr. Chan Chok Wan. On 19th...
New PNAHK Council for the term 2022-2024 has been elected in our Annual General Meeting held on 28-SEP-2022 (Wed): President: CHENG,...
13th Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong's (PNAHK's) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be be held on 28-Sep-2022 (Wed) from...
PNAHK ASM 2019 - "Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis" will be held on 20 Nov 2021 (Sat). Dr. Cheryl Hemingway from United Kingdom will talk...
The 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong (PNAHK) will beheld on September 29, 2021...
New PNAHK Council (2020-2022) has been elected on 27-AUG-2020: President: TAI, Shuk-mui Vice-President: FUNG, Cheuk-wing Hon. Secretary:...
In response to the Press Briefing on Preventing and Controlling the Spread of COVID-19 in Communities held by the Federation of Medical...
Please be informed that our PNAHK ASM 2019 which is scheduled on 18-19 Oct 2019 will be CANCELLED in view of current local situation. We...
You're cordially invited to join PNAHK Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) which will be held on October 30th, 2019 in Multifunction...
Our PNAHK Annual Scientific Meeting 2019 will be held on October 18-19, 2019. This year, we will focus on "Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery &...